Highly mobile expatriates don’t attach any sense of home to the different places they travel to? Some evidence.

Whether expatriates do not feel ‘at home’ in the host country and refer to their country of origin as their home can be true for some expats and false for others, as it depends on many factors. However, the notion that expatriates overall lose a feeling of home and become ‘placeless’ needs to be contested.
Take a look at some evidence.


Friendships abroad: stretch for the difference or find comfort in being alike?

Building relationships and making new friends is an inevitable part of building your positive expatriate experience. Having friendship ties with other expatriates or local people have both their pros and cons. Entering expat enclaves makes you feel understood but integrating into the local community is culturally more rewarding, though more difficult as well. So, what would you do, stretch for the difference or find comfort in being alike?