when applied at scale, geo-engineeering technologies will impact the entire planet and thus, the deployment of such technologies should be taken by humanity as a whole but how can that realistically be done
David Keith’s plan for Geo-engineering
Harvard’s David Keith offers a realistic and affordable plan to cut the impact of global warming in half by putting aerosol sulfates into the stratosphere
Geo-engineering: Fact, Fantasy, or Conspiracy?
Although momentum appears to be building for a comprehensive climate deal in Paris interest there is increasing mainstream interest in doing research on finding technical solutions to climate change while some maintain that such a program is already going on.
U.S. Presidential Politics, Religon and Climate Change
The top six Republicans in the race for the presidential nomination are skeptical about climate change at best and will take the U.S. in the wrong direction if elected in terms of both science and the religions they say they follow
Greece is not the Problem
As the situation in Greece comes to its dramatic conclusion,Europe faces at least five problems that are much deeper and more serious than Greek fiscal deficit and debt repayments.