Although the Trump administration continues to go the wrong way on climate change, American states, cities and civil society will take up the slack despite the back and forth that will go on in the regulatory and political battle.
After Irma
For many residents of the Caribbean and Florida the worst part of Hurricane Irma started after the storm passed and since these storms will become more frequent it is critical to make sure that coastal regions are resilient enough to survive them.
Harvey, Irma, and Jose: proof of climate change ?
While some say that the rise in powerful storms such as hurricane Harvey and Irma may not be related to climate change, it is time to take action just in case.
Concentrated Solar Power has a role to play
While interest in concentrated solar power has fallen a bit, I am convinced that CSP will play a critical role in the world’s future energy mix.
The Planet Will Survive the Trump Administration
In the months since Donald Trump became President of the United States he has made political moves against taking action on climate change but any changes will take time and the word is moving on in any case.