A few weeks ago, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel took the remarkable step of publishing a photograph of herself and Donald Trump at the June meeting of the G7 in Montreal. The image, in my view will go down as a singular icon in this very delicate moment in the modern history of the west.
The importance of the U.S. mid-term elections
This November, the United States will go to the polls to elect the entire House of Representatives and about one third of the Senate. The elections matter for a number of reasons including the possible impeachment of President Trump.
Pinker on Trump
In Enlightenment Now, Steven Pinker makes the case that humanity has made great progress based on the ideals of the enlightenment and in a couple of pages toward the end of the book shows how Donald Trump attacks those ideals in his policies, actions, and tweets.
“Fire and Fury” and the mid term elections
The publication of Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” has set off a firestorm of publicity with political implications that do not look good for the Republican Party and Donald Trump.
Barcelona: Business as usual in most of the city
Working in Barcelona, I have found myself caught up in the kind of geo-political crisis I wrote about in Strategy and Geopolitics and like most people have been somewhat taken by surprise by the crisis and how far it has gone.