Driving across the spanish province of Navarra which generates about half of its energy from wind, one gets the sense of how far Spain has come towards a low carbon economy and also how much farther it could have gone if not for its fiscal troubles and the current government’s other priorities.
Crude oil and Venezuela
The drop in oil prices has crashed Venezuela’s economy and will most likely bring down the regime of Nicolás Maduro raising questions about what will happen to Venezuela’s $ 20 billion debt to China
Innovation and Energy
In a series of posts about shale gas back in January, I made the point that one of effects of the increase in gas production in the United States was to suppress the price of natural gas and make it more difficult for utility scale wind and solar energy to compete with natural gas. Last week, […]
Economic Growth v.s. Co2
Barak Obama and Xi Jinping signed a landmark deal which is either be a good first step or a cynical deal between the world’s largest emitters …
Australia and Wind Power
Wind Energy offers 20-30% of electric power in some countries but the giant wind generators do have local, national and even international critics