The future of Africa

In 1994, Robert Kaplan, a journalist and author who had written a prescient book about the Balkans, Balkan Ghosts, wrote an influential article in the Atlantic Monthly called The Coming Anarchy in which he painted a grim portrait of the future of Africa and much of the world. In the article, Kaplan refers to the […]


After Crimea, What about Venezuela?

As expected, Russia has annexed Crimea and will have enormous influence on Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk unless he wants to also lose the Eastern half of his country. At issue is that . Without allied support, U.S. President Barak Obama can not threaten military action because he will then look too much like […]


Crimea & Ukraine

As I write,  apparently Russian troops are, according to CNN, taking strategic positions in Simferopol, the capital of the autonomous region of Crimea, which has been formally part of Ukraine since 1954. Russian troops are also reportedly being deployed around the Russian bases which have been leased from Ukraine. The provisional Ukrainian government, which was […]