Meet Liinus Hietaniemi: Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and software entrepreneur

Let’s start at the beginning, can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got to where you are today?

I’m originally from Finland, the land of many lakes and forests. And few people. I spent my childhood playing sports and throwing snowballs in the suburbs of Helsinki. I moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, for college. At some point during my senior year, I got bitten by the startup bug and have been involved in startups ever since: first as an early employee, then as a co-founder, and then as an academic researcher.

I’m grateful for where I am today, but how did I get here? Still figuring that out…

Who is/are the most influential figure/s in your life?

My parents, especially when I was young. My closest friends. Nowadays, my wife keeps me on track.

At IESE, we aim to develop leaders who will have a deep and lasting impact through their professional excellence and spirit of service. What are your thoughts on the role of entrepreneurship in society?

Entrepreneurs have a critical role in our society. They turn ideas into new products that generate radically more value for people and businesses than old products. This value can be emotional, social and/or financial.

What accomplishment (personal or professional) are you most proud of and why?

Accomplishments are team efforts. For example, having three kids while doing a PhD is no joke, but my wife is the real champ.

What inspires you most about your work in and outside IESE?

Teaching smart, driven students and having the opportunity to research topics I’m passionate about.

What will be the next big thing or trend in strategy and entrepreneurship in the next 2 years?

It will be exciting to see how AI and blockchain revolutionize how we run and fund startups. For example, a one-person unicorn might not be too far off in the future.

Finally, what words of advice would you give to your students or future entrepreneurs?

The existing startup paradigm is dying. Barriers are gone. The VC model is broken. How would you design your startup differently for the new order?

Thank you Liinus! Now, for the speed round:

What do you do in your free time?

Hang out with my family. Code new software. Train Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Dog, Cat, Parakeet, Goldfish, Pet Rock?

Pet Rock.

What are you reading, watching, or listening to these days?

We live in a small beach town down the coast from Barcelona. You can see the stars very clearly at night there. Beats Netflix.

Something that makes you happy

“Daddy, look. I made this for you!”

Favorite place?


Explain product-market fit to a 10-year-old.

The moment when people start calling you.

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