IESE’s dean, Franz Heukamp brought together 13 CEOs of large Spanish companies to give them a summary of what different IESE professors have been saying about the managerial implications of the emergency and to encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas with each other
Blessed and busy in lockdown
Living under lockdown in Spain teaches me how blessed my family and I are during the emergency and also how much work there is to be done from home. For much of the rest of the world, this kind of solution will only cause havoc and misery for the world’s poor.
After SARS-CoV-2, an environmental transition?
Due to the lull in activity caused by SARS-CoV-2, there is a drop in some aspects of air pollution and carbon emissions which point to the direction the world should take after the current crisis is passed.
Covid – 19: What should a leader do ?
Last week, my colleague Kip Meyer and I put together a webinar with practical advice on how best to respond to the Covid-19 which, I believe, has the potential to become a full blown economic crisis if people in leadership positions over react.
Covid-19 goes beyond China
This week I flew to New York on an almost empty plane to teach on a program that was cancelled. This thing is getting serious but I think we need to continue to go about our normal lives.