Shell plays a long term game

Shell’s announcement that it plans to buy BG Group is an example of its approach to long term strategic thinking, its conviction that the world will take action to reduce its carbon footprint over the coming decades, and its opinion that the slide in oil prices is probably over

Wind Energy in Spain

Driving across the spanish province of Navarra which generates about half of its energy from wind, one gets the sense of how far Spain has come towards a low carbon economy and also how much farther it could have gone if not for its fiscal troubles and the current government’s other priorities.

Power & Water in Africa

Egypt’s changing geopolitical situation has caused it to rethink its opposition to Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam project. Renaissance, and the much larger grand Inga project in the Congo are needed by Africa but will cause enormous environmental and social impact.


The Answer for Terrorism

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres was interviewed by Tom Friedman in Davos and said that terror is “destroying the arab countries” and is a much bigger threat to them than Israel. He also offered his dream of a future without the terrorists…