Besides his dishonesty, divisive style and rampant misogyny Donald Trump continues his attack on the natural environment and the elaborate system that is in place in the United States to protect it and also to ensure that U.S. citizens enjoy clean water and air.
Catching the next environmental wave
On Earth Day, it makes sense to remember the original event in 1970 and the idea that environmental regulation comes in waves at least until the trump administration and the appointment of Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the EPA in the United States.
Electric Cars approaching the tipping point
The headlines from the Geneva Auto show last week make appear to indicate that electric vehicles are finally approaching what Malcolm Gladwell called The Tipping Point in his book by the same name. Whether they actually make it still remains to be seen but is, in my view, becoming increasingly likely.
Prosperity and Air Quality
Although data indicates that China’s air quality is improving, deaths from small particulates continue to increase in China and around the world calling attention to the urgency of reducing air pollution.
A Chinese approach to sustainable mobility
Thanks to new technology and an innovative business model, bicycles are returning to Shanghai after losing out to cars and scooters over the last 15 years.