Unless there is a change in direction in the U.S. and on the U.K.’s planned exit from the Europe Union, Europe may need to accelerate its plans for building its own defense capabilities independently of NATO despite the current lack of a social consensus
Pinker on Trump
In Enlightenment Now, Steven Pinker makes the case that humanity has made great progress based on the ideals of the enlightenment and in a couple of pages toward the end of the book shows how Donald Trump attacks those ideals in his policies, actions, and tweets.
London Calling
Last night I had the pleasure of meeting with members of IESE’s Alumni organization in London to talk about the link between geo-politics and business strategy. As was to be expected the key issues on their mind are Brexit, Iran, North Korea and the inherent instability fo the Trump administration.
Peace in Korea ?
Last week the leaders of North and South Korea held an historic meeting which might open the door for a full and lasting peace on the peninsula and maybe even foreshadow the eventual re-unification of the country.
Geo-politics from Moscow to Munich
Last week I had the pleasure of talking about geo-politics to IESE’s alumni in Moscow and Munich and what struck me most about the two sessions was the willingness of both the Russians and Germans to discuss relatively sensitive political issues.