The central government of Spain has given Repsol authorization to drill exploratory wells off the coast of the Canary Islands demonstrating their attitudes about risk …
Pay attention or go to the beach?
Something special happens on the Mediterranean coast in August and perhaps we should let world events fade into the background for a few weeks.
Offshore Oil and Shale Gas in Spain
Spain’s government is in favor of offshore drilling and shale gas despite local opposition and potential threats to the truism …
Fuleco for President of Brazil
Fuleco, the mascot of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil is named for football + ecology but this world cup is more political than ecological and Dilma Rousseff will likely lose the October election if her team does not win
Global Change Agents
Dean Williams’ course at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government is a strong reminder to get engaged in public life and work to make the world a better place