Supporting Your Partner Abroad Can Boost Your Resilience at Work

Expatriate assignments often come with significant professional challenges—new roles, unfamiliar environments, and the constant need to adapt. But what if the secret to navigating these hurdles effectively lies not just in your personal strategies but in your family dynamics, specifically your relationship with your partner? Recent research that I conducted together with my colleagues Mihaela […]

The Big Escape: When the Grass at Home Has Lost Its Green

Looking through the literature on cross-cultural travellers, you may notice that the adjustment processes and coping mechanisms across different traveller groups, such as expats, immigrants and international students, are quite similar. Yet, one group of cross-cultural travellers does differ, which is the group of refugees. Like other groups, refugees are confronted with demands of adapting […]


Trailing Spouses: In Need of Organizational Support

The topic of international assignments is rarely discussed without mentioning issues of the accompanying partners, or so-called trailing spouses. According to different industry surveys (e.g. Brookfield, 2012; Cartus, 2012) the adjustment problems and dissatisfaction of spouses/partners, as well as dual-career issues, top the lists of expatriation challenges, and quite often become reasons for refusing an […]


Relocating Children Abroad: The Myths and the Truths

When thinking about relocations and expatriates’ mobile lifestyle, it has been common to acknowledge related challenges such as cultural shock, adjustment to a new environment, foreign language difficulties, and the slow process of socialization in the host country. Mostly, such discussions concern relocating adults, and when it comes to expatriates’ children, the common assumption is […]


Current Trends: Family concerns remain the hot topic in expatriation

When looking at the hot topics and key challenges in expatriation, it seems that family-related issues continue to top the list. The 2010 Brookfield Global Relocation Trends Survey results indicate that, similar to previous years, multinationals view family adjustment, children’s education and partner resistance as the most important expatriation challenges. Companies also state that family […]