Facebook is too open for corporate social networks but companies are buying into new networks in readiness for social networks becoming part of their product roster. The time has come for leaders to think how they want to connect employees with their boss, their team and their peers. IESE Professor Sandra Sieber discusses the main advantages of corporate social networks: breaking down communication silos, facilitating teamwork and supporting a process view.

I am absolutely ready
Sandra has opened up the pandora box with this formal, but humble presentation of the future of internal company communications.
Given the success of Facebook, Wassup and other social media, the next logical step for corporations is to integrate both the incentive and the invitation to offer new ideas via social networks.
I founded a Corporate Social Network company.
I very much agree with what Sandra says, I think that the biggest challenge such tools have is keeping the experience as easy and engaging as facebook does while giving managers and employees tools to create workflows that fit their company.
This is why in daPulse we’ve put such a big emphasis on ease of use and structuring the conversation. The structure which is based on topics allows to break silos in an effective way, We find that companies adapt the tools in many different ways that fit their culture and their workflows.
We’ve visualised the usage of the system in Wix.com as time moves on you can see how the conversation evolves