Social Media for “Real Business”

 I will start with an anecdote. It was the last session of my IS MBA course and I was talking about all the new and exciting developments surrounding the rise of Web 2.0. The class was going well till one of the students, in fact a really good student, raised his hand and fired a […]


Manipulation and Noise as Impediments to Crowdsourcing

The idea for this post came to me after I had followed two recent stories on the web. The stories, while seemingly unrelated, touched upon two intrinsic elements of crowdsourcing (I’m using this term loosely here): noise and manipulation. As I was reading through the stories and the ensuing blogosphere chatter, I though that how […]


On The Future of Web 2.0 – Part II

Looking for Bright Spots While the gloom and doom has been the prevalent sentiment so far (see Part I), a few folks dared to share more optimistic views (see this post on Webmonkey, for instance). We also decided to chip in our two cents and look for some bright spots in the sudden darkness descending on […]

On the future of Web 2.0

It comes as no surprise that over the last few weeks a host of articles and blog posts have pronounced Web 2.0 dead or near-dead. As people come to grips with the fall of seemingly infallible institutions and the ensuing erratic behavior of the financial markets, they start to wonder what exactly all this means […]