Social CRM: “It’s Complicated”

“It’s Complicated”. This could have been the best status to describe the relationship between Nestlé and its Facebook page a month ago. This situation began when Greenpeace launched a campaign against an alleged purchased by Nestlé of certain palm oil for use in KitKat candy bars. Environmental activists posted a negative video on YouTube and started an organized attack […]


Cloud Computing: Come Rain or Come Shine?

As Cloud Computing is becoming a clear alternative to traditional IT infrastructure (see a previous post), a lot of media attention has been raised regarding its security. Last week, The Economist in the article “Cloudy with a chance of rain” stated the resistance by many IT managers to adopt cloud computing based on security issues. As a matter […]

Why is Google a little touchy with the iPad? Another sequel of Cloud Wars

Last October, The Economist trumpeted “The Clash of the Clouds” or the beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, and Apple. For the last two years, we have witnessed a bipartisanship in this war, which simplified to everybody against Microsoft. Google’s announcement last November of Chrome OS (see a previous post in this blog) could be interpreted as another […]


Chrome OS: In the Cloud in less than 7 seconds

Seven seconds. That is the amount of time it takes to boot up a computer with Google’s Chrome OS. After four months of announcing their intention to develop their own OS, Google previewed Chrome OS last Thursday at Mountain View headquarters. However, it will not be available until a year from now, but it represents […]