Micropayments: the next big online revenue model?

When Google enters a new line of business, it’s a safe bet that this business will get a lot of attention from the technology ecosystem. Micropayments, an already hot trend this year, got a further boost when Google announced two weeks ago that it will offer micropayment services through its Checkout system. Micropayments are transfers of small […]

The future of office printing

As far as consumers are concerned, before Amazon’s Kindle arrived, the last time printing had been considered high technology had been around 15th century, the time of Johannes Gutenberg. Today people seem to be reading mostly from screens, be it mobile, desktop or Kindle screens. Declining newspaper sales are merely the most visible reflection of […]

Decision-making assisted by a website

Hunch.com, a service that is supposed to aid in making decisions, was made public yesterday. With it, a question (“should I start my own business?”) will get a pleasantly definitive answer (yes/no) after you are guided through several questions (it also profiles you first to give better answers). The topics and guiding questions are added […]