Syria takes center stage as the world’s current flashpoint as negotiations over its future start and both the U.S. and Russia commit their military to the 4 and a half year old conflict.
Thinking about the world and its future
A group of leading entrepreneurs from all over the world think deeply about the world’s challenges and its future
Duquenal and the Mafia State
Daniel Duquenal is the pen name of a Venezuelan blogger who identifies the Chavez-Maduro regime as a Mafia State or Klepto-Dictatorship …
The Link Between Business Strategy and Geopolitics
As companies expand across the planet, they open themselves up to geopolitical risks for which they are unaccustomed. Managing these risks require a new mindset, an expanded toolbox, and possibly new people.
Presidents and Real Leadership [Updated]
Lech Walesa, who is speaking at IESE business school, like Barak Obama shows what the Kennedy School’s Dean Williams calls real leadership …