Climate change sell-out or landmark global warming fightback? Whatever your point of view, Cop28, the 28th such meeting of its kind, was not short on controversy. This year the event was held in Dubai and 84,000 people registered to attend. Critics often point to the carbon footprint of moving this many people from place to […]
The U.S. will do its share on climate change
Although the Trump administration continues to go the wrong way on climate change, American states, cities and civil society will take up the slack despite the back and forth that will go on in the regulatory and political battle.
A lesson from Londonderry (1969)
An understanding of how the conflict in the Northern Ireland became tragically violent is critical in these times of political tension around the world.
A lesson from Amritsar (1919)
When a British General had his troops open fire on unarmed people in Amritsar in 1919 it radicalized the independence movement in what is now called India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
All Conflict is Bad for Business
Companies and foreign workers look for peace, prosperity and opportunity and will avoid or even leave places such as Russia and Turkey if they feel insecure.
After Irma
For many residents of the Caribbean and Florida the worst part of Hurricane Irma started after the storm passed and since these storms will become more frequent it is critical to make sure that coastal regions are resilient enough to survive them.