Climate change sell-out or landmark global warming fightback? Whatever your point of view, Cop28, the 28th such meeting of its kind, was not short on controversy. This year the event was held in Dubai and 84,000 people registered to attend. Critics often point to the carbon footprint of moving this many people from place to […]
Voter Turnout and Devisive Politics
Even if they are relatively free and fair, elections are increasingly won by mobilizing a party’s base of supporters creating divisive and potentially dangerous politics.
Immigration: Europe needs these people!
Europe has been facing a demographic crisis for years and has a reported 11 million empty apartments. At the same time there are millions of people enduring hardship and risking death in an effort to come into Europe and the regions political leaders should seize this moment and solve two problems in one stroke.
The fate of the U.S.’s 11 million illegal immigrants
The issue of immigration is taking on center stage in the ramp up to the U.S. presidential election and may become an issue which defines the western democracies in the coming years
Global Governance & Geo-engineering
when applied at scale, geo-engineeering technologies will impact the entire planet and thus, the deployment of such technologies should be taken by humanity as a whole but how can that realistically be done
David Keith’s plan for Geo-engineering
Harvard’s David Keith offers a realistic and affordable plan to cut the impact of global warming in half by putting aerosol sulfates into the stratosphere