Business Travelers: Benefiting the Business while Risking Family Life?

International travel is a natural part of today’s borderless and interlinked business environment. As noted in my previous post on this topic, global business travel is accessible and, even more importantly, brings benefits to multinational companies. Yet, as usual, possible benefits come with possible risks. Foremost, business travel is accompanied by travel stress. For example, […]


The Big Escape: When the Grass at Home Has Lost Its Green

Looking through the literature on cross-cultural travellers, you may notice that the adjustment processes and coping mechanisms across different traveller groups, such as expats, immigrants and international students, are quite similar. Yet, one group of cross-cultural travellers does differ, which is the group of refugees. Like other groups, refugees are confronted with demands of adapting […]


What Keeps Expats Awake at Night? Nagging Challenges despite Increased Support

Throughout my blog posts, I aim to raise concerns, challenges, ideas, and possible solutions that relate to expat populations. Speaking about company-initiated assignments, so far the most pronounced expat challenges at the individual level have been family concerns, such as family adjustment and dual-career issues; assignee adjustment in the host country, such as lack of […]


Empathy in Global Leadership: Don’t Think You Can Rush

Cross-cultural psychologysuggests that we may experience difficulties in cross-cultural interactions due to differences in communication styles. For instance, one of these differences concerns the communication context. Specifically, countries like England, US, and Germany are considered to be low-context cultures, in which information is conveyed directly and explicitly, and which rely heavily on verbal communication. In […]


Global Business Environment: Comparing the Then and Now

It really is fascinating how quickly the global business environment develops and changes. The latest Insight article in the McKinsey Quarterly magazine illustrates the point very well, highlighting the fifty years gap between then and now. For example, exactly 50 years ago, in 1964, IBM made a breakthrough in computer technologies with their System/360 mainframe, […]


Returning Back Home: Losing All the Magic?

Alongside the topic of cross-cultural adjustment upon relocation, the topic of repatriation back home is also receiving increasing attention. Multinational organizations are concerned with the turnover of repatriated expats, the population of international workers and students are made aware of reverse culture shock, and travel bloggers write about feeling misplaced and having the insatiable travel […]


Exile: The Philosophy Behind Uprooting

I believe that the notions of expatriation, immigration, and borderless travel are hardly surprising to anyone nowadays. Globalization has established cross-cultural mobility as a necessity for multinational companies, as an expectation for potential global employees, as a widely used and recognized organizational and educational practice, and as a normal transition within many different life events. […]


The F-Day

‘It’s F-Day – the day half the world has awaited with bated breath for the past two years’ – that is the introduction for one of the many articles covering one of the most recent hot topics in the business world. Specifically, F-Day refers to the 1st of July 2014, which is when a new […]