The F-Day

‘It’s F-Day – the day half the world has awaited with bated breath for the past two years’ – that is the introduction for one of the many articles covering one of the most recent hot topics in the business world. Specifically, F-Day refers to the 1st of July 2014, which is when a new […]

Multilingualism: Multiple Personalities or Just a Diverse One?

Governed by the needs of globalization, I believe it is fair to state that multilingualism is becoming a MUST in the increasingly multicultural business world. Apart from simply possessing more than one language, multilingual individuals are usually more culturally competent (linguistic knowledge decreases cross-cultural barriers), have a more efficient brain (take a look here), and […]


Working in a Cross-cultural Environment: Where to Look for Cultural Gaps?

Multicultural, multinational, and multilingual teams are part and parcel of global organizations of today. This highlights the importance of cultural competencies, cross-cultural cooperation, and leadership of multinational teams. Indeed, the main question for many is how to do business and effectively manage in such a culturally diverse environment? Cultural competence: too broad to grasp? Well […]


Latest Global Mobility Highlights: Decrease in Long-Term Assignments

When talking about expatriation we tend to think primarily about traditional long-term assignments, which are two to three years in duration and imply an employee relocation to the host country. These are the assignments that we readily relate to attractive compensation and benefit packages, career enhancing moves, and profound cross-cultural experiences. However, in spite of […]


Why Do Managers Behave in a Trustworthy Manner? Latest Research Findings

What is the meaning of interpersonal trust for organizations? A recent Forbes article argues that trust between managers and employees is foundational for their relationship and the management process overall. Echoing the importance attributed to trust in the popular media, trust is being increasingly studied also in academic settings. Making further contributions to existing academic […]