Home Box Office

A new business model that offers the consumers the chance to record everything broadcast on a given TV channel represents a major disruption in the way television is delivered, says Prof. Josep Valor. It is not clear what the ecosystem will look like in a few years’ time but he says only those with copyright of things people want to watch will be left standing.



About Josep Valor

Josep Valor-Sabatier is professor of information systems and information technology and holder of the Indra Chair of Digital Strategy. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT, and his Sc.D. in Medical Engineering from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. Josep Valor teaches extensively at the senior executive level on Management Information Systems, Media Management, Management of Technology, and Strategy.

4 thoughts on “Home Box Office

  1. I think the industry is shooting itself in the foot, I mean what advertiser is going to be in favour of technology that allows viewers to fast forward through commercial breaks?

  2. I feel this is just the start of massive changes in how we watch TV. Digital TV will become more intertwined with the Internet, and big players like Apple, Microsoft and Google will have more of a say in what we watch and how we watch it. In fact didn’t Google recently launch Google TV?

  3. Very interesting developments already happening – my husband and I now watch TV in this fashion all the time. Its a case of ‘what have got recorded that’s fresh’ rather than ‘whats on tonight?’

    I think advertisers will need to start thinking more about product placement and such like, as given the choice would anyone rather sit through 4 minutes of commercials or press a button and get back to where the show left off?

  4. We already have similar systems like this already; Sky+ for example and TiVo. I think it will have a positive effect as far as the viewer is concerned, but I do share your views with regards to the advertisers and the copyright owners. I think the industry is shooting itself in the foot, I mean what advertiser is going to be in favour of technology that allows viewers to fast forward through commercial breaks?

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