Not as Mobile as it Used to Be

There is a sense of déjà vu at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, says Prof. Javier Zamora. The mobile market is entering a mature stage with companies trying to extract value from a market created by Apple and Google. However, we are entering a new era in which people use mobiles not just […]


Facebook: Act III

Facebook’s share price fell from $38 to $29 in two weeks but this doesn’t mean we are already witnessing the bursting of the social media bubble, says Prof. Javier Zamora. Facebook is a play in three acts, he says. First it accumulated the users, then it raised the capital. In the third act it will […]


Too Much Information

The data explosion is revolutionizing social science because it allows us to look at the individual and not just at the organizational level, says Prof. Javier Zamora. However, our databases aren’t designed to cope with these quantities and we need new data management tools as computers enter a domain previously only inhabited by humans.