The year 2011 will be remembered for the rise of mobile data, explains IESE Prof. Sandra Sieber in this interview, but at the moment there are many discussions about how the market will develop. Will the expansion of the “app economy” in a mobile environment threaten the open standards currently associated with the internet?
Steve Jobs, forever?
Today I woke up with the news of Steve Jobs’ death. For all of us with cancer cases in our families, the final outcome of Jobs’ struggle with cancer was utmostly clear, but nonetheless the news is, as always, shocking. I am part of that generation that has lived through the entire Apple lifecyle. In […]
Bubble or No Bubble? An Analysis of Three Internet Companies
Facebook’s valuation is approaching $100 billion, Microsoft recently acquired Skype to the tune of $8.5 billion and Twitter’s estimated market value is $8 to $10 billion: someone is always crying bubble, but is the social web another bloated shell game or a gold mine to be tapped? In this talk, I tried to take a closer look at three Internet companies with different models, breathtaking valuations and connected users in common.
On Nokia and Microsoft: “Two turkeys don’t make an eagle”
“Two turkeys do not make an Eagle”. This was the tweet that Google’s VP Vic Gundotra sent to the world to comment on Microsoft’s and Nokia’s announcement to join forces in the mobile space. And he may well be right. It is well known that both Nokia and Microsoft are loosing month after month marketshare […]