A short tale about Long Tail

Once upon a time, let us say in 2004, Robbie Vann-Adibé, CEO of Ecast, a “digital jukebox” company, asked Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired magazine, the following question: what percentage of the 10,000 music albums available on the Ecast jukebox were sold at least one track per quarter. The “analog” normal answer would […]

Java – A Speed Bump for Android?

Right as Android is taking one of the dominant roles in the smartphone market, Oracle (which acquired Java owner Sun recently for over $5 billion) is suing Google over the use of Java code in its Android mobile OS. Android has recently edged past the iPhone in market-share, and it has the 3rd largest share […]

Google Travel, may I help you?

This may be the answer you get when you call the travel agent that helped you book your flights and find a budget hotel in Reykjavik. Is that possible? Well, wait for a while. In a presentation of Bing’s virtues, the search engine by Microsoft, Mark Johnson, a senior Program Manager at Bing described the concept of […]