Decision-making assisted by a website, a service that is supposed to aid in making decisions, was made public yesterday. With it, a question (“should I start my own business?”) will get a pleasantly definitive answer (yes/no) after you are guided through several questions (it also profiles you first to give better answers). The topics and guiding questions are added […]

Wolfram Alpha

Right before Microsoft’s Bing was announced, another new search-related website was getting the spotlight, Wolfram Alpha was created by Stephen Wolfram, who is also the creator of the highly respected research focused application, Mathematica. While this new website has received quite a bit of attention recently, many people still seem to be somewhat confused […]

Microsoft’s New Search Engine

Microsoft has come out with a new search engine. It’s called BING. Check the demo video here. Forrester thinks it’s promising. In fact, they go as far as to state that BING will change the face of search. Techcrunch likes it too. CIO magazine, however, is less impressed. …I’m definitely giving it a try.