Business Opportunities in the “Virtual” World

Not long ago, stories about virtual world systems such as Second Life were abundant. However, recently, not much has been said about these systems. New user growth has slowed, and the number of regular users (around a half a million) of the largest system, Second Life, has turned out to be only a fraction of […]


Social Media for “Real Business”

 I will start with an anecdote. It was the last session of my IS MBA course and I was talking about all the new and exciting developments surrounding the rise of Web 2.0. The class was going well till one of the students, in fact a really good student, raised his hand and fired a […]


Mobility 2.0

These are tough times for many. Countries are struggling with debt, people get laid off and entire industries are being wiped out. So the news three days ago that Nokia’s profit last quarter slumped by 90% may not come as a particular surprise. Nokia is suffering from a slump in consumer demand, not alleviated by […]

CIO Concerns – 2009

With the economic turmoil that businesses will face in the coming year, technology managers will face a new level of difficulty that should seem especially tough after several recent positive periods regarding business technology. Many technology analysts are now releasing reports that summarize CIO concerns for the difficult times ahead. Most analyst seem to agree […]