Distance is Dead, Time is Not

Technology has given us new modes of communication but has done nothing to eradicate the problem of working across time zones, say Prof. Erran Carmel. Managers have to learn to timeshift in order to accommodate people working in other zones. The benefits are the ability to work around the clock or to pass on work […]

2013: IT’s Convergence Year

Companies that want to succeed in 2013 will have to learn how to manage four key pillars of IT in an integrated manner, effectively bringing together cloud, mobility, social media and big data. IESE’s Josep Valor predicts we will see more integrators than hardware manufacturers, because people are looking for complete not partial solutions.


Looking Ahead to 2013

The coming year is going to determine what we are going to see in the teens of this century, says Prof. Ghemawat from Brazil. Meanwhile in Madrid, Prof. González-Páramo urges Europe and US to be part of the solution, not the problem. From New York, Prof. Sandra Sieber asks executives to think about how they […]


The Big 4 and HTML5

HTML5 promises a broader-based economy and while Google, which depends on advertising, wants it as open as possible, it is a different story for Apple which makes its money from apps. Facebook went to HTML too early and is now playing it safe while Amazon has cleverly built a closed eco-system on top of the […]