Google Going For The Throat

Yesterday Google formally unveiled Chrome OS for netbooks, an operating system designed with the main purpose of surfing the web. Why another operating system, you might ask yourself. The world of operating systems for PCs and notebooks seems to be reasonably stable, with Windows in its different versions commanding above 90% market share, Apple’s OSX […]


You’ve Got [Way Too Much] Mail

“The odd thing about this form of communication is that you’re more likely to talk about nothing than something. But I just want to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.” Kathleen Kelly aka (Meg Ryan) sent this e-mail to Joe Fox aka (Tom Hanks) in […]


Browsers go social: Rockmelt!

Just a quick post to draw your attention to the fact that a new different browser was launched last Sunday. It is called Rockmelt, and even though I still haven’t tried it much, it may well go into the Annals of Social Media history at least for being the first truly social media browser. Currently, […]