Does Windows 7 matter?

Today Microsoft will ring the bell on Nasdaq, as just one other way of celebrating the effective launch of its newest flagship product, Windows 7. The new operating system comes to the market just 3 years after the launch of the much announced Windows Vista, which never fulfilled the expectations of the market, nor that […]

Got some change? I have to buy a service company!

Xerox announced last September 27th that it will buy ACS (Affiliated Computer Services) for $6.4 billion dollars. ACS is according to Forrester Research one of the leading global IT infrastructure providers. This leading pack of providers, according to Forrester Research, includes among a few others the aforementioned ACS, IBM, EDS and Perot Systems. Mergers and […]

Micropayments: the next big online revenue model?

When Google enters a new line of business, it’s a safe bet that this business will get a lot of attention from the technology ecosystem. Micropayments, an already hot trend this year, got a further boost when Google announced two weeks ago that it will offer micropayment services through its Checkout system. Micropayments are transfers of small […]