A Few Thoughts on the Freemium Model

This week I wanted to continue the theme of online revenue models started by Nick in his micropayments post. Rather than looking at emerging trends, however, I’d like to talk about a model that has become a mainstay of online business – the freemium model.  The term “freemium” was coined by Fred Wilson back in 2006 and describes […]

Regulatory obstacles for the Microsoft-Yahoo search deal

After all the excitement and press releases about the search deal between Microsoft and Yahoo, the serious market analysis is now beginning. US regulators have decided to scrutinize the deal, to understand if the reduction of the number of major search providers, from three to two, will hurt competition in the search market. Regulators will […]

Using Twitter for Business

A few months ago I did a short post on this blog about the research study on the enterprise use of social media for external collaboration that we are currently running. While the study in still in progress and I cannot report any of the detailed findings, one thing is pretty clear – the number of […]

Finally, Microsoft + Yahoo…

+       After months and months of merger and acquisition talks with Microsoft and Google, Yahoo has finally reached a deal to merge their search and search advertising functions with someone – Microsoft! The deal will last 10 years, and “Microsoft will now power Yahoo search while Yahoo will become the exclusive worldwide […]