On the future of Web 2.0

It comes as no surprise that over the last few weeks a host of articles and blog posts have pronounced Web 2.0 dead or near-dead. As people come to grips with the fall of seemingly infallible institutions and the ensuing erratic behavior of the financial markets, they start to wonder what exactly all this means […]


Is free music the solution to pirated music?

That the music industry is in disarray is a huge understatement. Their sales have been diminishing constantly since 2003 and although digital sales have picked up some of the slack, they have not been able maintain the level of business, never mind growing it. The problem, of course, has been the appearance of a number […]


Ballmer, here we go again! (for our 2008 GEMBAs)

I just read an interview with Steve Ballmer, which I found our now graduating GEMBA 2008 class could find interesting…. Do you remember our discussions about lock-in and market tipping strategies? Ballmer knows how to get the message out to the market! He talks about being “very present” in a variety of businesses (including music, […]


Google and the temptations of maturity

The king of the search engines celebrates ten years of existence amidst favorable reactions from users and applause from the media, but we are also seeing the first symptoms of fear in light of its omnipresence on the Web. Google celebrated its tenth anniversary by working, another new example of how the company feels it […]