Gender Diversity in the Workplace: A Global Matter with No Progress?

Gender inequality is one of the global topics that is continuously spoken about, be it in terms of inequalities in the attainment of health, survival and education in developing countries, or differences in economic opportunities in the developed world. Naturally, gender diversity is a hot topic also for global business, where females are consistently underrepresented […]


Gender Diversity on a Global Scale: Different Perspectives

Gender diversity in organizations and female underrepresentation in management teams has been a widely discussed topic in global business. While I have already reviewed it in several of my previous blog posts, there are more recent publications that are very relevant and worth discussing. So, why are women still underrepresented in leadership positions? Is it […]

What if the tale of diversity and inclusion has gone wrong?

Modern technology, international business, cooperation through cross-cultural projects, a steady increase in the number of international travelers – shouldn’t it all bring people together and create more cosmopolitanism? Paradoxically, while having all these opportunities to connect, we seem to be moving further away from this ‘togetherness’, and, as current political trends indicate, towards separation and […]

Human Diversity: Benefits for CEOs and Their Companies?

Embracing human diversityis not the strongest side of human nature. Plenty of social psychology concepts and research indicate how we tend to prefer people who are like us, form relationships with people who are alike rather than different, and categorize people similar to us into an ‘in-group’ and dissimilar people into an ‘out-group’. Evolutionary psychologists […]


Gender Gap: A Debate That Simply Doesn’t Age

Tolerance, diversity and equality are persistent topics in global business, which I occasionally write about. Specifically, I have repeatedly touched upon the topic of gender inequality, writing about the underrepresentation of women in management, the gender gap within the expat community, and lack of equality for women in the workplace overall. Recently I came across […]


The Expatriate Population: Latest Findings from Industry Surveys

Recently, two of the leading global relocation companies, Brookfield GRS and Cartus, have published their annual surveys. As in previous years, both surveys shed light on the most relevant trends in global mobility, describing current international assignee populations, their main motives and challenges, as well as the challenges faced by employers and relocation professionals. I […]


The Persistent Underrepresentation of Women in Management

One of my latest blog posts about accompanying partners in expatriation touched on the continuously changing perceptions of female gender roles, especially concerning their work-life empowerment. Indeed, in most developed economies – primarily Europe and North America – women account for nearly half of the overall workforce, according to World Bank statistics. Yet, when it […]