Although I was skeptical about Michael Bloomberg’s entry into the Democratic primaries, I believe his advertising campaign is absolutely essential regadrless of who the nominee turns out to be.
A message to the Republican Party: Dump Trump
Trump’s misdeeds and the democrats impeachment process has given the Republican Party a unique opportunity to get rid of Trump and take their party back to its much more sensible and measured roots.
The root causes of political polarization
Political polarization is affecting many countries around the world and is caused by growing inequality caused by automation and globalization, low voter turnout and re-enforcing media bubbles fed by the creators of fake news such as President Donald Trump.
Will Trump be re-elected ?
Donald Trump may actually be re-elected if the economy remains strong, he does not do anything totally outrageous and the Democrats fail to pick someone who can unite the party and bring out the vote.
Central Europe At The Crossroads
Last week there were Parliamentary elections in Poland and municipal elections in Hungary which could be interpreted as a check on the populist governments in both countries although there appears to be a deeper process going on.