At 68, the former Vice President, Author, Activist, and Investor is more eloquent than ever on the current and future situation with regards to climate change and how business will lead the way.
Fidel Castro and a New Paradigm of Hope for Latin America?
The much anticipated death of Fidel Castro will have a profound effect on the future of Cuba but could also influence events across the Western Hemisphere.
Trump’s Win Seen From China
According to the Chinese press, China is delighted with the election of Donald Trump as it might mean an end to the TTP and Obama’s Pivot to Asia.
Living With Brexit in Ireland
In Ireland Brexit is already causing enroumous problems for business leaders and they might think about using scenarios to navigate a volatile future
Obama’s Legacy
In the United States, a President can only serve for two, 4 year terms so whatever happens in November, Barak Obama will finish his second term and his presidency will become the subject of historians. As the U.S. presidential election approaches its frenetic sprint to November, Obama has become somewhat reflective and is increasingly speaking […]