
What Mistakes Are Killing Your Startup? #3 Marginal Niche

What is a niche product? It is a good or service with features that appeal to a particular market subgroup. A typical niche product can be easily distinguished from other products, and it will also be produced and sold for specialized uses within its corresponding niche market. It sounds great…so why is that an issue…

What Mistakes Are Killing Your Startup? #2 Bad Location

Starting a company in Abdijan (a yearly destination of mine) is a far cry from doing so in Barcelona (my home city) or San Francisco. It sounds obvious…and it is! I’ve identified four major reasons for this: Talent Talent is unevenly distributed geographically. There are clusters of entrepreneurship and innovation that are more attractive than…

What Mistakes Are Killing Your Startup? #1 Single Founder

Recently, I posted the infographic below on my LinkedIn profile. It generated thousands of shares and hundreds of comments, which proves there is an interested community who are actively seeking information on the topic. To follow-on on this, my next few posts will go into more detail why those 18 mistakes are so deadly for startups. Mistake #1: Single…
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