The Expatriate Population: Latest Findings from Industry Surveys

Recently, two of the leading global relocation companies, Brookfield GRS and Cartus, have published their annual surveys. As in previous years, both surveys shed light on the most relevant trends in global mobility, describing current international assignee populations, their main motives and challenges, as well as the challenges faced by employers and relocation professionals. I […]


Latest Research: Knowledge Transfer of HRM Practices Between Parent-country and Subsidiary

Corporate expatriates have always been an important group of globally mobile employees, because they can serve various organizational aims by fulfilling either practical or more strategic roles. For example, an employee can be sent on an international assignment to share important knowledge and optimize certain processes in a new company subsidiary, or on the other […]

Spotlight Engagement: The Case of Expatriates

Generally speaking, expatriates share similar engagement drivers to non-expatriates. However, there are also some unique elements of expatriate engagement, which stem from the nature of their employment type. Specifically, expatriates seem to pay more attention to all factors related to a company’s future and actions of senior leadership, as well as their engagement tends to be more driven by one’s individual outlook and future prospects compared to non-expats.

International Itinerants: a New Breed of Expatriates?

Traditional expatriate classifications apply to a conventional framework of employment where the individual’s career is meant to be fixed with one, or very few, employers. However, in the past few decades the traditional career path has been changing, and by now one’s successful career is a matter of personal responsibility, initiative, and is quite likely to go beyond one organization. A new breed of expatriates, the so called ‘international itinerants’, has emerged.

Follow-up on emerging markets: The war for talent

Scarce local talent in emerging markets tops mobility challenges according to the recent Mercer HR & Mobility Challenges of Emerging Markets Survey. Echoing these findings, the latest article in McKinsey Quarterly, the business journal of McKinsey & Company, posits that ‘competition for talent in emerging markets is heating up’ which the authors attribute to two main reasons: scarcity of local talent, and reluctance of parent country managers to go abroad.


Cross-cultural transitions: The experiences of Third Culture Kids

The term Third Culture Kid (TCK) usually refers to a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture, growing up in a highly mobile and cross-culturally diverse environment. A quite recent book by Van Reken and Pollock ‘Third Culture Kids: Growing up among Worlds’ (2009) draws on the experiences of the TCK individuals, showing that although growing up in a culturally diverse world is certainly enriching, it also implies some real challenges along the way…


Asia is going local: Foreigners need not apply

‘Forget expats’ and ‘Foreigners need not apply’ – these statements sound rather uncommon in today’s environment of multinational business. However, a recent WSJ article uses these statements to describe the shift in recruitment practices in Asia. Specifically, the article notes that western companies doing business in Asia now tend to prefer local employees, as opposed to expatriates, to fill important executive positions.