[VIDEO] Megaupload Shut Down: New Regulations, New Scenarios

MegaUpload was shut down by the FBI a few weeks ago, and it seems that finally the battle to curb illegal distribution of copyrighted material is heating up. It is true that whoever breaks the law has to be sanctioned, but given that jurisprudence has shown that sharing of copyrighted material with friends without making money from it is not punishable, will this do anything to the pure P2P exchanges? Should the industry not be looking for alternatives to the monetization that go beyond charging a fee for the exchange of recorded material?



About Josep Valor

Josep Valor-Sabatier is professor of information systems and information technology and holder of the Indra Chair of Digital Strategy. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT, and his Sc.D. in Medical Engineering from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. Josep Valor teaches extensively at the senior executive level on Management Information Systems, Media Management, Management of Technology, and Strategy.

8 thoughts on “[VIDEO] Megaupload Shut Down: New Regulations, New Scenarios

  1. I think this type of action just makes people more determined to find ways to share information

  2. A site as big and helpful as Mega Upload should never of been banned imho…. I strongly believe that for those of us that used it properly benefitted from its use..

    Again its the ones that misuse the tool that ruin it for others!

  3. @community manager : But I think Megaupload will never come back to us. The police are deleting the data in this.

  4. MegaUpload were right be sanctioned, yes they should be looking at new monetization ideas and I think they will go for P2P next.

    New ideas could include very very cheap online renatl of music – people play songs they like ad-infinitum.

  5. It´s the ira of sharing info and It´s really great! nonetheless, the copyrighted info must be well protected because simply the owners have spent lot of effots to make the product real.

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