[VIDEO] Big Issues of Big Data

Consumerization of IT  with the massive adoption of technologies such as cloud computing, smartphones and social media is generating data exponentially; with 5 billion mobile phones in use, 30 billion pieces of content shared in Facebook every month, or the 200 millions tweets sent a day. As a result, information has gone from scarce to superabundant, or so called Big Data. Big Data constitutes a huge opportunity for companies but at the same time poses new challenges in the way this Big Data is analyzed and used by organizations.

About Javier Zamora

Javier Zamora is currently senior lecturer in the Department of Information Systems. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, and his M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He holds also a PDG from IESE.

6 thoughts on “[VIDEO] Big Issues of Big Data

  1. Social media companies like facebook are taking competitiveness advantages by using effectively big data.

    If companies fail to migrate to the new system, they are technically doomed in my opinion.

  2. IT services are no-doubt creating a different world for the people, which allow the people to perform all the things at very ease and with less chances of error. Internet and technology is providing a very easy way of doing everything but it is also creating a big overhead of managing the important and private data of users properly. The data is very important in any business as it causes the responsible peoples to take some very important decision in the favor of the business.

  3. Good post. One of the things that i thought about is Facebook and how the data they hold could out perform Google. The reason I say this is based on the data that is being held such as friends job associates etc etc.

    Manipulate that data and build an algorithm and imagine this.

    Kelly wants to find a shoe shop near her. Facebook searches through her friends likes based on location and social group. A search is then returned based on all her second degree preferences. Google just does not have that amount of data.

    I will be featuring a post about this on my Cloud Computing website in January.

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