Google and the temptations of maturity

The king of the search engines celebrates ten years of existence amidst favorable reactions from users and applause from the media, but we are also seeing the first symptoms of fear in light of its omnipresence on the Web. Google celebrated its tenth anniversary by working, another new example of how the company feels it […]

On Long Tail, Global Sourcing, and Online Marketplaces

The Long Tail effect seems to be making its way into yet another business domain. This time it is the domain of sourcing, or more specifically sourcing of business services. According to the classical rules of Long Tail, the spread of the Internet and the evolution of web technologies have led to drastic reductions in search […]


HP-EDS Merger

A huge story in the IT world this week was the announcement of the acquisition of Electronic Data Systems by Hewlett-Packard. Information Week reported that the deal is the largest in the outsourcing sector’s  history, and that it is the second largest ever in the IT industry overall (It’s second only to HP’s $19 billion buyout of computer […]


Google Chrome: A new platform for web applications.

The big news in the computing world this week was Google’s unexpected announcement of a new web browser, Chrome ( The first question that many people had, including David Pogue of the New York times, was “Does the world really need an other Web browser?” Well, Google’s answer is likely that the web is evolving into […]