Game is Over for TV

Times are changing for TV channels, which have existed until now because they owned exclusive rights to broadcast content. Now anyone can broadcast content through the internet, which will make TV channels irrelevant and prompt new ways for content to be monetized and and “hits” to be discovered.


The Shift to Digital Content

What impact will a digital, paperless environment have on students’ learning experience? asks Prof. Evgeny Káganer. In an experiment providing half of Executive MBA students with paper materials and the other half with tablets, the main concern of the latter was the inability to view more than one document at a time. However, this was […]


The Age of Movement, Touch and Sound

Text is essentially over and we’re moving into the era of movement, touch and sound, says Prof. Sandra Sieber. The importance of text will decline over the next five years as voice-recognition programs become more sophisticated and the technical obstacles to transmitting live video are overcome. Instead of writing we will talk and see. Meanwhile, with its technologies that eliminate the need for joysticks, the game industry has shown the possibilities of using physical movement.


All the Knowledge That’s Fit To Print

The New York Times slogan of “all the news that’s fit to print” reflects a scarcity of knowledge and the need for an editorial filter, says Prof. Javier Zamora. The Encyclopedia Britannica, which has stopped publishing in book form after more than 250 years, cannot compete with the resources of Wikipedia which has 50 times […]