Attending CES 2011 in the comfort of your own Tablet

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is already a trademark slogan used in the official Las Vegas tourism web site. However, the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) is the exception that proves the rule. Anyone serious about being a techie should pilgrim at least once to CES, which is held at the beginning of January […]

Do we need Internet traffic controllers?

A Spanish version of this post has been published at IESE website About to start a long holiday weekend, 90% of Spanish air traffic controllers simultaneously called in sick. The airport chaos that was created is well known. To the extent that the Spanish Government stepped in with the firmest possible measures. For the first […]

Let’s influence lawmakers!

I just got my hand on what tech companies spend on lobbying. I find it amazing. This past quarter Verizon has spent close to four million dollars, up from three for the same quarter a year ago. Its competitor AT&T is not far behind with 3.5 million this quarter. These figures are in sharp contrast […]