The Business of Shortening URLs

Google recently rolled out a service called, which will compete with the current leading web address shortening system, The use of web address shortening systems has skyrocketed as the use of micro-blogging sites, such as Twitter, has also rapidly increased. Micro-blogging sites limit the number of characters that can be posted in a […]


Lost your wallet or a file? Dropbox!

“You have been there. You are about to buy lunch and you realize that your wallet is in your other pants.” It is true, I have been there. Many times. In fact, not only am I often searching for my wallet or my keys, I also have problems remembering where I have the most updated […]


Chrome OS: In the Cloud in less than 7 seconds

Seven seconds. That is the amount of time it takes to boot up a computer with Google’s Chrome OS. After four months of announcing their intention to develop their own OS, Google previewed Chrome OS last Thursday at Mountain View headquarters. However, it will not be available until a year from now, but it represents […]