Bubble or No Bubble? An Analysis of Three Internet Companies

Facebook’s valuation is approaching $100 billion, Microsoft recently acquired Skype to the tune of $8.5 billion and Twitter’s estimated market value is $8 to $10 billion: someone is always crying bubble, but is the social web another bloated shell game or a gold mine to be tapped? In this talk, I tried to take a closer look at three Internet companies with different models, breathtaking valuations and connected users in common.

Attending CES 2011 in the comfort of your own Tablet

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is already a trademark slogan used in the official Las Vegas tourism web site. However, the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) is the exception that proves the rule. Anyone serious about being a techie should pilgrim at least once to CES, which is held at the beginning of January […]

Social CRM: “It’s Complicated”

“It’s Complicated”. This could have been the best status to describe the relationship between Nestlé and its Facebook page a month ago. This situation began when Greenpeace launched a campaign against an alleged purchased by Nestlé of certain palm oil for use in KitKat candy bars. Environmental activists posted a negative video on YouTube and started an organized attack […]


Apple and Google: Returning to calmer waters

There is an Indian proverb (or maybe it is Confucian, who knows) that says that there is no worst enemy that the one who was your best friend. And this is because he or she knows you well. In 2007,when unveiling the iPhone, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google came on stage and announced that Google […]