Our mission: offering integral support for family-owned firms

It is both an honor and a privilege to serve as the new holder of IESE’s Chair of Family-Owned Business, which in 1987 became the first of its kind in Europe.

Deep ties to family business

Throughout the years, the Chair has witnessed profound shifts in the global business landscape while remaining true to its mission of promoting family firms as critical economic and social drivers.

The Chair is closely connected to IESE’s origins. Our school was founded and has flourished, in large part, thanks to the support and trust of business families that believed in the power of education to help business leaders navigate the challenges of the modern world.

Today, our deep ties to family business remain evident through the backing of major sponsors and active participation of family-controlled companies in the global IESE community.

Since its creation, the Chair has aspired to provide broad-based support for family firms in alignment with IESE’s overarching mission: developing leaders who aspire to have a profound, positive and lasting impact on individuals, companies and society through professional excellence, integrity and a spirit of service.

In this sense, the Chair seeks to equip family firms with the tools, knowledge and resources they need to effectively address the unique challenges inherent in their growth and succession processes.

A multi-talented and committed team

As I take the helm, I am reminded of the importance of living up to the giants who have preceded me. To this end, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Josep Tàpies and Marta Elvira–esteemed colleagues and leaders in the field–for their invaluable support.

Special thanks to Marta, my immediate predecessor, for her warm welcome and dedication during this transition. I look forward to continue working with them both to build on the Chair’s legacy.

I also feel fortunate to have an exceptionally committed, multi-talented and qualified academic team. Together, we will draw on our unique perspectives and areas of expertise to offer a diversity of activities in benefit of the family business community.

New horizons

Looking ahead, I am committed to further expanding the Chair’s national and global standing with a focus on rigorous research, publications in top-tier journals, and participation in prestigious international conferences.

In everything we do, we will ensure our academic work translates into practical, actionable insights for family business leaders. As part of these efforts, we will work to reinforce relationships with Spanish and international associations to promote the exchange of ideas and serve as a bridge between business and academia.

IESE has educated generations of owners and senior executives at the helm of family-owned companies. Moving forward, we will continue to deliver high-quality programs for both current and future leaders of family-owned firms, boosting IESE’s standing in the sector.

With the support of my team and broader business community, I am confident we will build upon the Chair’s mission of bringing value to family businesses, which are and will continue to be core pillars of the global economy.