Business Ethics and CRS

The Anchors of Happiness

A few days ago Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, came to IESE to give a seminar on Capitalism and Happiness. I'd like to expand on some of his ideas about happiness, which can also be found in this article from the New York Times and in this video: As Brooks explained,…

Why Should We Invest Responsibly?

I don't want to discuss socially responsible investment, just investment plain and simple. Deciding how to invest my money: what type of assets, where to invest, which industry, which company or government, etc. When I was young(er), ethics manuals talked about the responsibility of cooperating with the actions of others (whether good or bad). Someone who…

The Company is in Need of Revolution

It is still the dominant model, but we have to do away with it: The company can’t last as an organization whose ultimate goal is financial profit. Dozens of examples demonstrate that the model is wanting, outdate, needs to change. The two economic crises early this century and the emergence of new heights of social…
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