Like a stone thrown into the pond of global geo-politics and business, the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi could have enormous impact in the middle east, on the U.S. elections, and in the way business deals with authoritarian governments.
The Geopolitical Responsibility of Business Leaders
As a result of speaking to hundreds of IESE alumni and their guests about geopolitics over the last few months I am more than ever convinced of the need to connect the world’s of international politics and business so that business leaders can not only do their fiduciary duty but also make a positive impact on the world.
Jerusalem: Why Now?
Trump’s announcement that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is due to domestic political concerns in both countries and is further evidence that business needs to consider all types of scenarios in planning for the medium term.
Venezuela – an example why CEOs should study geo-politics
Using a framework for geo-political analysis and scenario planning, companies can develop long term strategies with inherent competitive advantage but need to involve the board of directors to make it happen.
Students’ Views of Geo-Politics After Trump and Brexit
Its time to submit our grades for the last term and thus I was able to look at how 2nd Year MBA students from all over the world look at the current geo-political situation with healthy concern but also with underlying optimism