Innovation and Change
What is Corporate Venturing?
Steve Jobs said once that his model for business was The Beatles: “They were four guys who kept each other’s kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other, and the total was greater than the sum of the parts” (60 Minutes, CBS, 2003). This is also the idea behind Corporate Venturing, great things happen…
What Mistakes Are Killing Your Startup? #7: Fights Between Founders
Fights Between Founders – founder conflict is very common. Founders, being ambitious people, are almost bound to disagree Paul Graham – Y Combinator Building the founding team, survival and growth are undoubtedly the major challenges faced by entrepreneurs. On one hand it seems quite clear that going solo is not the solution (see my blog…
Think Three Times Before Investing in Companies Through Crowdfunding
Equity-based crowdfunding, where small investors join forces and buy an ownership stake in young companies, is becoming a big business, with nearly 1.4 billion dollars invested in the United States and Europe in 2015*. Most of these transactions originated in online platforms, and recent regulatory changes are helping to attract more investors to take part…