Manipulation and Noise as Impediments to Crowdsourcing

The idea for this post came to me after I had followed two recent stories on the web. The stories, while seemingly unrelated, touched upon two intrinsic elements of crowdsourcing (I’m using this term loosely here): noise and manipulation. As I was reading through the stories and the ensuing blogosphere chatter, I though that how […]


Finding Lies in New Interview Settings

One of the main concerns for many people in tough economic times is the job search process.  Researchers have found that a poor economy can have a significant psychological effect on individuals looking for jobs. Individuals affected by downsizing will likely have low confidence and self-esteem and will think that it is necessary to appear super-qualified […]

More on cloud computing…

A couple of posts ago, I talked about Microsoft’s potential move into cloud computing. However, since that time, Microsoft formally announced their development of a cloud-based system and cloud computing has been getting even more media attention. This post is a follow-up to the previous post, and it is meant to be a quick guide […]

IT and productivity: When email goes bad

In the past decade, email has become one of the most central applications of any manager. Still, email programs have not changed much. Since the amount of email we get has grown tremendously, email has a significant impact on our overall productivity. The average information worker gets far more mail than s/he can cope with, […]